China Welcomes Approval Of Egypt’s New Constitution

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman said here Monday that China welcomes the smooth approval of Egypt’s new constitution.

Spokesman Hong Lei told a daily press briefing that the smooth vote and approval marked an important and positive step in Egypt’s political transition.

“China hopes Egypt continues push ahead the process of inclusive political transition in an orderly way, and realizes national stability and development as soon as possible,” Hong said.

Egyptian voters overwhelmingly approved the country’s new constitution by 98.1 percent of votes saying “yes” to the military-backed charter. The official result comes a few days after Egypt wrapped up a two-day referendum on the constitution on Jan. 15, which has been boycotted by most Islamists and their affiliates.

The new charter is meant to replace the one drafted and approved in late 2012 under ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood group.

Source: CCTV

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