Drones to deliver medicines in Dubai

Drones will soon start delivering medicines in Dubai, according to a healthcare leader in the country on Monday.

According to the CEO of Fakeeh University Hospital (FUH), Fatih Mehmet Gul, it is only a matter of time before the service is considered commonplace.

The FUH experimented with drone delivery last month from the healthcare facility in Dubai Silicon Oasis (DSO) to a patient’s house at Cedre Villas within a 10km radius.

The hospital will continue testing the new service, but according to Fatih, it will be available in a few months.

Fatih also said that what inspired the new technology was the COVID-19 crisis, which led to huge changes in the markets and in people’s ability to buy certain things. “We are very excited to see what the future holds.” Fatih said.

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