Egypt’s Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation approved 299.6 million Egyptian pounds for the national veal project during the first half of February, benefiting 428 young graduates, small-scale farmers, and women in Haya Karima (Decent Life) initiative villages to support the breeding of 4,280 cattle.
During the same period, the ministry issued 553 licences for livestock, poultry, and feed activities, including 238 for small-scale cattle farmers. It also approved 401 feed registrations—196 local and 205 imported—and granted 33 technical approvals for new livestock and poultry projects in desert areas.
The Ministry of Agriculture’s livestock development fund supplied table eggs at a 30 per cent discount via five mobile outlets. Additionally, technical support covered 37 feed factories in seven governorates with 76 production units. Egypt also approved the export of fish feed, feed additives, processed poultry products, and frozen poultry, including quail, duck, pigeon, and turkey.
Attribution: Amwal Al Ghad English
Subediting: M. S. Salama