Egypt will begin exporting agricultural products to the Philippines after five years of intensive technical negotiations between the two countries, according to the Ministry of Agriculture’s statement on Friday.
The first Egyptian citrus shipment is expected to be exported to the Philippines during the current season in accordance with the Philippine authorities’ requirements and the International Phytosanitary Standards, the ministry added.
The Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS) recent official data has revealed about the Western European Group’s acquisition of 26 percent of all Egyptian exports over the past year.
The trade volume between Egypt and the G20 countries has increased by 20.9 percent on an annual basis in the first eight months of the year, as it recorded $60.9 billion, CAPMAS noted.
In 2016, the negotiations with the Philippine have begun as Egypt has been unable to open these new markets only under the terms of Filipino approval.
Egypt’s Minister of Agriculture Al-Sayed el-Quseir has thanked the Agricultural Export Council and Egyptian commercial representation for the great effort in order to accomplish this great file.