Egypt’s Azhar supports severing relations with Qatar

Egypt’s Al-Azhar declared its full support for the decision to boycott states that support terrorism, notably the Qatari regime.

Al-Azhar confirmed in a statement Tuesday that it has been closely following the developments in the Arab arena over the past few days, pointing to its support for the common Arab position in the decision to boycott regimes that support terrorism, harbor extremist groups, intervene in the affairs and stability of neighboring countries and the security of their peoples.

The statement stressed Al-Azhar’s support for all procedures taken by Arab leaders to ensure the unity of Arab nations, and to respond firmly and forcefully to plans to destabilize them and tamper with the security of their countries.

Al-Azhar expressed its aspiration to redouble the efforts to stop the tendentious attempts by oppressive regimes, which constitute a threat to the security and stability of the Arab region, hoping that these regimes will wake up from their negligence and return to their senses and to their people and home.

This follows accusations by Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt against Qatar. The regional powers have accused Qatar of attempting to destabilize Arab states’ national security and sponsoring extremist groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood, al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS).

These countries recalled their diplomatic missions from Qatar and gave Qatari diplomatic missions 48 hours to leave their countries. They also closed their airspace and sea ports to Qatari transportation.

Yemen, Libya and the Maldives have also cut diplomatic ties, and Jordan has downgraded its relations with the Gulf state, leaving Qatar in a state of diplomatic isolation.

In response, the Qatari Foreign Affairs Ministry said these measures are “unjustified” and based on unfounded allegations. Source: Al-Masry Al-Youm

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