Egypt’s Badr-1 oil field storage capacity doubled

The Badr-1 site, operated by the Western Desert Oil Company (WEPCO), has doubled its storage capacity to 48,000 barrels, reinforcing its position as a central hub for the storage and shipment of crude oil in the Western Desert. This expansion enables the site to manage crude oil from Badr-1 fields and sister companies, including Petrosanan, Borg El Arab, and Petroview, with shipments directed to the main storage facilities at El Hamra Port.

These enhancements are part of broader infrastructure upgrades at the site, alongside WEPCO’s ambitious plan to increase production by drilling three exploratory wells and six developmental evaluation wells in the upcoming phase, further solidifying Badr-1’s pivotal role in the region’s oil sector.

Attribution: Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources statement


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