Egypt’s ministries co-operate to boost green economy

The Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) has signed two significant co-operation protocols with the Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC) to promote the concept of the green economy.

This initiative is part of the Ministry of Industry’s efforts to increase the contribution of the green economy to the GDP and establish a model of economic development based on sustainable development.

The first protocol, under the Green Sharm project, offers technical support for building small grid-connected solar power plants in Sharm El-Sheikh. This includes technical and economic studies, installation, and operation oversight by IMC consultants.

The second protocol aims to improve environmental standards for industrial companies through joint technical support and awareness programmes nationwide. It also includes financial backing for projects like solar power plants, water treatment, and carbon footprint reduction.

Additionally, the EEAA and the Environmental Compliance Office have signed a protocol to support green development for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Attribution: the Egyptian Cabinet.

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