Egyptian investment bank FEP Capital said it is lining up share floatations for three or four firms on the country’s SME bourse, NILEX by next year.
Two of the firms scheduled for next year’s NILEX listing are operating in the Egyptian industrial sector, with capitals totalling 17 million Egyptian pounds ($953,718), FEP’s chief executive Omar El Maghawry told Amwal Al Ghad on Wednesday.
FEP Capital, part of regional First Equity Partners (FEP), has recently completed listing Union Pharmacist Company for Medical Services and Investment (UPMS) on NILEX. The company started listing on July 26.
“This is the first listing on NILEX led by FEP Capital for 2017,” vice president Mahmoud Khalifa taking about listing UPMS to Amwal Al Ghad in earlier statement in last July.