ICSB President hails Egypt’s efforts in supporting entrepreneurship

Ahmed Osman, president-elect of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB), hailed on Tuesday the significant support given by Egyptian authorities and President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

This edition of the ICSB World Congress is taking place for the first time in Egypt, and this is also the first time for Africa to host the event, which is considered a remarkable achievement, Osman said.

ICSB World Congress is gathering guests from 42 countries worldwide, representing academics, researchers, policy-makers, and government officials.

This means now Egypt is on the global entrepreneurship map, the ICSB official added.

The gathering is an essential move to boost connection and networking between entrepreneurs across the world, he said.

“This year the conference brings together academians and business experts … local youth-led startups could benefit from,” Osman said at a speech during the ICSB World Congress.

The ICSB World Congress 2019 is taking place in Cairo between June 18th – June 21st.

Founded in 1955, the ICSB is a non-profit organisation devoted to continuing management education for entrepreneurs and small business. It was the first international membership organisation to promote the growth and development of small businesses worldwide. The organisation brings together educators, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from around the world to share knowledge and expertise in their respective fields through publications, programs, workshops, training sessions and certifications.


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