Japan’s crude oil imports up in July

Japan’s crude oil imports in July reached 10,050,845 kilolitres (kl), marking a substantial 101.2 per cent increase from the previous month and an 87.2 per cent rise compared to the same month last year.

The Middle East continues to be the dominant source, providing 9,813,010 kl, which constitutes 97.6 per cent of Japan’s total imports. This represents a 102.6 per cent increase from June and an 89.5 per cent rise from July of the previous year.

Key contributors from this region include Saudi Arabia, delivering 3,585,021 kl (35.7 per cent share), Kuwait with 791,882 kl (7.9 per cent share), and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which provided 4,933,068 kl (49.1 per cent share).

Imports from South East Asia totalled 93,266 kl, accounting for 0.9 per cent of the total. This reflects a significant increase of 197.1 per cent from the previous month and an 89.3 per cent rise compared to the previous year. Vietnam and Indonesia were notable sources, contributing 47,319 kl and 43,445 kl, respectively.

North America contributed 16,136 kl, representing 0.2 per cent of the total imports. This figure shows an 11.7 per cent increase from June, though it is lower compared to July of the previous year. The United States (USA) was the primary supplier.

Central and South America delivered 95,411 kl, or 0.9 per cent of the total imports. This marks a 60.5 per cent increase from the previous month and a 105.9 per cent rise from the same month last year.

Imports from Africa stood at 16,189 kl, maintaining a consistent presence with no significant change from the previous month. Meanwhile, Oceania contributed 16,833 kl, reflecting minor fluctuations of 0.2 per ct from the previous month.

Attribution: METI Preliminary Report on Petroleum Statistics

Subediting: M. S. Salama


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