Monday’s market opens with EGP declining against USD

The Egyptian Pound (EGP) was slightly down against the US Dollar (USD) at the market opening on Monday, May 20, 2024.

The National Bank of Egypt, Banque Misr, and the Commercial International Bank (CIB) set their exchange rates at EGP 46.86 for purchase and EGP 46.96 for sale.

Meanwhile, QNB ALAHLI, the United Bank, and Faisal Islamic Bank of Egypt kept their rates steady at EGP 46.85 for purchase and EGP 46.95 for sale.

The Arab African International Bank adjusted their rates to EGP 47.46 for purchase and EGP 47.56 for sale.

In contrast, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank set its rates at EGP 47.50 for purchases and EGP 47.60 for sales.

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