Banks UNB aims increasing loan portfolio by 36% this year Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Union National Bank (UNB) aims at increasing net loans and credit facilities this year after discounting provision…
Banks CISE settles debts with banks Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Co-operative insurance society Egypt starts settling its debts with Alex Bank, National Bank, Industrial…
Banks AMIG insured Raya by EGP100m Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Raya Company contracted with the Arab Misr Insurance Group (AMIG) to have political violence insurance by EGP 100…
EGX EOSB sustains L.E4.8 m Losses in 2011 Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 El-Orouba Securities Brokerage (EOSB) has sustained net loss of L.E4.795 million during the fiscal year 2011,…
Banks AMIG insured Raya by EGP100m Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Raya Company contracted with the Arab Misr Insurance Group (AMIG) to have political violence insurance by EGP 100…
Banks Credit Agricole: loan to deposit rate recorded 55.9% by the end of 2011 Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Credit Agricole’s loan to deposit rate recorded 55.9% by the end of December 2011. Credit Agricole’s unaudited…
International News Europeans protest controversial internet pact Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Tens of thousands of people have marched in protests in more than a dozen European cities against a controversial…
EGX EOSB raises Margin Buying Financing Value to L.E10m Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 El-Orouba Securities Brokerage (EOSB) has decided to raise the value of financing the margin buying from L.E7.5…
EGX EOSB raises Margin Buying Financing Value to L.E10m Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 El-Orouba Securities Brokerage (EOSB) has decided to raise the value of financing the margin buying from L.E7.5…
MENA News Hamas prime minister’s visit to Iran sheds light on power struggle within the party Administrator Feb 12, 2012 0 Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyah’s trip to the Iranian capital of Tehran highlighted the disagreement between…