Plastic Bank collects 13mln kilograms plastic bottles in Egypt

Plastic Bank, a Canada-based social enterprise, declared on Wednesday a monumental milestone of stopping over 13 million kilograms of plastic waste in Egypt during three years.

The bank has more than 28 collection centres across 11 governorates in Egypt that contributed more than 13 percent of collection of 100 million kilograms, equivalent to a five billion 500ml plastic bottles.

The plastic bottles prevented from contributing to the growing crisis of plastic pollution as it marks a substantial step towards a cleaner, more sustainable world, as well as the unwavering dedication to safeguard the planet’s most valuable resource.

“This isn’t just a dream; it’s a remarkable achievement of our recycling communities who gathered each piece by hand, carving their own paths out of poverty with it,” said David Katz, the visionary founder and chairman of Plastic Bank.

Katz said “we’re inviting the world to join us in rewriting our planet’s destiny, in creating a world where every transaction empowers us to regenerate resources, rejuvenate the environment, and liberate recycling communities from the grip of poverty.”

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