Russian stock market opens lower on Thursday

Russia’s stock market saw declines as Thursday’s trading opened on the Moscow Exchange, with the MOEX Index slipping by 0.23 per cent to 3,436.81 points, according to data compiled as of 10:00 a.m. Moscow time (07:00 a.m. GMT).

The dollar-denominated RTS Index also slid by 0.39 per cent to 1,198.95 points.

By 10:18 a.m. (07:18 a.m. GMT), the MOEX had fallen further by 0.56 per cent to 3,425.36 points, while the RTS was down by 0.7 per cent to 1,195.12 points.

Meanwhile, on the currency front, the dollar exchange rate had risen by 0.26 per cent to 90.29 rubles on the Moscow Exchange; the euro had dipped by 0.01 per cent to 97.78 rubles; and the yuan had increased by 0.16 per cent to 12.429 rubles.

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