Sisi to focus on relations with Africa at Rwanda AU summit

Egyptian President Abd el-Fattah al Sisi will fly to Rwanda Saturday to take part in an African Union (AU) summit, during which he is due to hold talks with African counterparts on mutual ties.

al-Sisi participation in the 27th AU summit in the Rwandan capital of Kigali is meant to foster Egypt’s role in Africa and bolstering Cairo’s ties with African countries as part of efforts to achieve economic and social developments, peace and stability in the continent, his office said.

al-Sisi will kick off his multi-day stay at the small eastern African country with meetings with continental counterparts on Saturday during which the leaders will discuss means to boost financial the resources of the African Union, presidency spokesman Alaa Youssef said in a statement Friday.

The 10-18 July summit, which focuses on human and women’s rights, will address issues including an African free trade zone agreement and AU commission elections.

On Wednesday, Egyptian foreign minister Sameh Shoury held talks with counterparts from South Sudan, Uganda and Ghana in Kigali on the sidelines of the summit. Matters discussed included the current conflict in South Sudan and Cairo’s relations with Nile Basin countries.

source: Ahram Online

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