Banks AlexBank: Personal Loans Portfolio Reaches EGP 6 Bln Administrator Apr 25, 2012 0 Alex Bank Intesa Sanpaolo said the personal loans registered 66% of the total retail banking portfolio that reached…
Banks AlexBank Offers EGP 1 Bln Finances To SMEs In Q1 Administrator Apr 23, 2012 0 The volume of finances offered by Alex Bank, subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, to small and medium enterprises…
Banks AlexBank To Implement 60 ATMs & Develop 20 Branches In 2012 Administrator Apr 22, 2012 0 Alex Bank, subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, intends implementing 60 more ATMs to reach 320 ATMs, up from 260…
Banks AlexBank Disbursed 114, 000 Yellow Remittances Administrator Apr 19, 2012 0 Alex Bank, subsidiary of Intesa Sanpaolo Group, disbursed EGP 476 million in the last three weeks which is the…
Banks Alexbank Offers EGP 257 million To Small Enterprises By 2012 Administrator Apr 19, 2012 0 Alex Bank plans to increase its loans to small enterprises by 25% to reach EGP 257 million by the end of 2012,…
Banks Alexbank Offers Microfinance Services In 70 Branches Administrator Mar 18, 2012 0 Alex Bank plans to offer his microfinance services in more branches; to spread over its 70 branches by the end of…
Banks CBE discusses disbursing US$ 408 m yellow remittances Administrator Mar 18, 2012 0 Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) is holding a meeting today with banks participating in disbursing the value of yellow…
Banks Alexbank Launches Visa Inspire Global Debit Card in Egypt Administrator Mar 14, 2012 0 AlexBank announced the launch of the visa Inspire Global Debit Card (Visa Inspire) in Egypt. Visa Inspire will be…
Banks Delta Insurance co. insures Alex Bank’s personal loans customers by EGP 4 bn Administrator Feb 15, 2012 0 Delta Insurance co. signed an insurance contract to insure 130 thousand customers of Alex Bank’s personal loans.