Tech news Egypt hunts GSA’s Outsourcing Destination 2016 Award Ghada Ismail Oct 9, 2016 0 Egypt has won the Outsourcing Destination of the Year 2016 award from the Global Sourcing Association (GSA)…
Industry & Trade Egypt’s GASC announces new wheat tender as zero ergot policy reversed Yomna Yasser Sep 22, 2016 0 Egypt’s state grain importer GASC set a tender on Wednesday to buy an unspecified amount of wheat, few hours after…
International News Turkey reopens border with Bulgaria, reassures on refugees: PM Noha Gad Jul 17, 2016 0 Turkey has reopened border crossings with neighboring Bulgaria after closing them in the early hours of Saturday…
Egypt News UPDATE: Passenger who warned about Poland-Egypt flight bomb consumed alcohol Yomna Yasser Nov 19, 2015 0 A passenger who alerted crew about a possible bomb on plane traveling from Warsaw to Hurghada admitted on…
Industry & Trade Bulgaria to export 4mn T Wheat to Africa by Egypt’s Logistics Centre Noha Gad Apr 22, 2015 0 Bulgaria is keen to invest in Damietta's global logistics centre project, Bulgarian ambassador to Cairo, Rumen…
International News 24 Hours to save The Earth! Noha Gad Mar 27, 2015 0 As a symbol of commitment to the planet, “Earth Hour” is a worldwide movement for the planet organized by the World…
Financial Institutions Russia’s Credit Rating is cut to Junk by S&P Administrator Jan 27, 2015 0 Russia’s credit rating has been cut to junk – or below investment grade – by US ratings agency Standard and Poor’s…
International News Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria dies at age 98 Amwal Al Ghad English Nov 6, 2012 0 Patriarch Maxim of Bulgaria, the spiritual leader of the Balkan country's Orthodox Christians who weathered a…
forex news Iran Offers to build Oil Refinery for Bulgaria Yomna Yasser Mar 12, 2012 0 Iran is willing to build a refinery in Bulgaria's Varna on the Black Sea, according to Tehran's Ambassador to Sofia…