Industry & Trade USEBC Weighs Boosting Egypt’s Exports To US Administrator Jan 15, 2013 0 On Tuesday morning, the US Egypt Business Council (USEBC) convened it first official meeting in the presence of the…
Banks NBE, CCC Discuss Draft Protocol For Financing Food Stores Administrator Oct 13, 2012 0 The National Bank of Egypt (NBE) will meet with the Cairo Chamber of Commerce this week to discuss the final draft…
Industry & Trade 1252 Factories With EGP 13.8 bln Investments Get Licenses: Ministry Administrator Sep 23, 2012 0 The Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade has accepted to grant the licenses and final approve to 1252 new…
Industry & Trade Egyptian Exports Recorded EGP 65.6 bln Last June, Slumped by 4% Administrator Jul 22, 2012 0 Egyptian exports to the world recorded EGP 65.6 billion in H1 of 2012, retreated by 4%; compared to EGP 68.5…