Tech news Egypt’s electronic payment platform Fawry eyes 50% growth rate in 2016 Noha Gad Jan 23, 2016 0 Fawry Company for e-payment targets a growth rate between 35% and 50% in 2016. The company aims to launch a new…
Tech news Instagram opens up to advertisers worldwide Noha Gad Sep 9, 2015 0 Instagram opened its platform to most advertisers across the globe on Wednesday as the photo-sharing app seeks to…
Tech news Facebook launches open platform amid net neutrality debate in India aya salah May 4, 2015 0 Facebook Inc is launching an open platform for online content and application developers to join its…
Tech news Nilesat Deals with Cisco for its Digital Head Administrator Apr 30, 2012 0 Egyptian satellite operator Nilesat has installed video acquisition, encoding and digital content management…
Tech news Huawei Targets Enhancing Wireless Broadband across MENA by Flexing LTE Assets Administrator Apr 29, 2012 0 Huawei -a global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider- will be looking to maintain…
Tech news Launching Skype for Windows Phone Mobiles Administrator Apr 23, 2012 0 Online phone service Skype has made its official debut on Microsoft's Windows Phone platform. Both Microsoft and…
Tech news Google’s Page Describes Android as “Important but not Critical” Administrator Apr 18, 2012 0 The Android Smartphone operating system is a very important asset for Google, but it is not critical, Google's…
Tech news Du Launches “VSAT” Service Platform Administrator Apr 17, 2012 0 Enhancing its Satellite data business offerings, Du has launched a new Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) services…
Tech news Former RIM Boss Seeks Strategy Shifting before Quitting Administrator Apr 14, 2012 0 Former Research In Motion co-chief executive Jim Balsillie sought to reinvent the BlackBerry Smartphone maker with…
Tech news Smartphone Sales Hits 1 billion-unit mark in 2014 Administrator Apr 12, 2012 0 Global smart phones annual sales will cross the billion-unit mark in 2014, helped by strong demand from China and…