Egypt News International ratings agencies elevate Egypt’s rating in 1 year Noha Gad Sep 8, 2015 0 Following consecutive downgrades of Egypt’s credit rating by international ratings agencies, an upward trend has…
EGX Egypt Stocks start Week lower as MSCI Fears weigh in Yomna Yasser May 17, 2015 0 Egypt’s stock market extended losses Sunday on concerns that it might lose emerging market status. Although, the…
Financial Institutions S&P revises Egypt Outlook to Positive, citing ‘Gradual Economic Recovery’ Yomna Yasser May 16, 2015 0 Ratings provider, Standard and Poor's updated its outlook on Egypt from "stable" to "positive" on Friday, citing…
International News Shareholders challenge BP to confront climate change risk Noha Gad Jan 21, 2015 0 Oil giant BP is being challenged to confront the risk that climate change may pose to its future in a shareholder…
forex news Ruble Weakens on S&P Warning of Downgrading Russia Yomna Yasser Dec 24, 2014 0 The ruble weakened in early trade on Wednesday, giving up its slight gains seen at opening, after Standard and…
Banks Russia to Help Large Borrowers As S&P Mulls Junk Rating Yomna Yasser Dec 24, 2014 0 Russia's central bank offered on Wednesday to help top exporters refinance heavy foreign debts next year, expected…
Financial Institutions S&P Sounds Warning on Chinese Property Sector, Russian Banks Yomna Yasser Nov 20, 2014 0 Credit rating agency Standard and Poor's said on Wednesday that China's over-priced and over-supplied property…
Financial Institutions S&P Affirms Egypt’s Credit Rating at B-/B, with ‘Stable’ Outlook Yomna Yasser Nov 15, 2014 0 The global rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) has affirmed Egypt’s credit rating at B-/B, with Stable…
Egypt News Hesham Kandil: Stability Key To Fixing Economy Administrator Dec 26, 2012 0 Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil said on Tuesday that political stability was crucial to luring back foreign…
Financial Institutions S&P Affirms Saudi Re’s Rating At BBB+; Stable Outlook Administrator May 5, 2012 0 Standard and Poor's has affirmed Saudi Re's financial strength rating at BBB+ with a stable outlook. S&P…