TV BRICS: Egypt ‘actively developing its green transition’ with new climate committee

“Egypt is actively developing its green transition” with the establishment of a new Environmental and Climate Policy Committee, said TV BRICS, a media platform fostering cooperation among the bloc member nations, on Monday.

Led by Environment Minister Yasmine Fouad, the Committee unites key ministries, including of planning, finance, energy, and industry, to craft a comprehensive strategy for a sustainable future.

Leveraging an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report, the committee will develop a roadmap addressing climate change and broader environmental challenges. By coordinating government efforts and engaging with industry, Egypt aims to become a global leader in sustainable development.

According to experts, TV BRICS said the establishment of “this committee is an important step towards Egypt’s sustainable development, demonstrating the country’s determination to implement a green transition and contribute to global efforts to combat climate change.”

The mission of the Moscow-based platform TV BRICS is to develop a common information space of the BRICS countries to accelerate the processes of economic development, to improve the well-being of the peoples of member countries and to strengthen social ties.

Attribution: TV BRICS

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