U.S congressman ready to to promote Egypt’s success story

Jeff Fortenberry, a U.S Republican congressman said that he is ready to promote Egypt’s success story on different fronts, hailing the stability in Egypt since President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi assumed power in the country.

He added that Egypt has insufficiency promoted its economic success story internationally, urging the Egyptian parliament members and media representatives to play a role in changing the negative image that has been conveyed about Egypt lately.

Fortenberry made those comments during a meeting with the door-knock mission of the American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) of Cairo in Washington.

The Republican Congressman pointed out that the US is playing this role by describing Egypt as an important friend and ally of the US, which requires the translation of the traditional friendship between the two countries into real support for the Egyptian administration.

Fortenberry stressed the importance of Al-Sisi’s upcoming visit to the US, which aims to further enhance joint cooperation between both countries. He also aims to clarify many concepts and bring together points of view on many issues of common concern. Furthermore, he called for more frequent visits and meetings between the two presidents.

“I spoke to President Al-Sisi two years ago for two hours, and we talked about the stability and necessary reform of Egypt and its pioneering role in the region, which necessitates further efforts to maintain its leadership in the Arab world and for the US to support Egypt in this direction,” Fortenberry further noted.

He further explained  he has visited Egypt four times adding that on his last visit he encountered a hand painted sign, which was both in English and in Arabic, and it said: ‘Here was the war, here is the peace’ an experience that has greatly affected his personality and method.

The Arab region has witnessed several problems recently, but if Egypt was not secure and stable, a disaster in the Arab region would ensue, as Egypt is surrounded by a number of hot spots in the Arab region, whether in Syria, Libya, and Iraq, which require Egypt’s support, he added.

“After 40 years, I am now a member of the US Congress and as many difficulties as we have in the Middle East, there is one place where peace is held, a peace that was at a great cost to Egypt and Israel, brokered by the US after signing the peace deal in 1970”, Fortenberry concluded.

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