While over 3.5 Million Egyptians Suffer from Hunger,30% of Food is Wasted and disposed of in the World
The Egyptian Food Bank (EFB) revealed that 30% of food is wasted and disposed in Egypt and the world while more than 3.5 Million Egyptians suffer from hunger. According to the EFB, leftover foods should be organized and redistributed to the needy or re-used to create different recipes.
On the other side, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) confirmed that tremendous amounts of food, estimated at about 1.3 billion tons, are wasted annually, causing not only economic losses but also damaging the natural resources with excessive harvesting and consumption.
According to these reports, the main reason behind excessively wasting large amounts of food, estimated at 33% of consumption is largely due to inadequate practices of purchase, consumption and management. The report states that there are 870 million people around the world suffering from hunger with direct economic food waste costs exceeding $750 billion per year.
The FAO also reported that food wastes reached 3.3 billion tons per year, which is equivalent to the carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming that gets released to the atmosphere.
In Egypt, some NGOs like the Egyptian Food Bank are cooperating with the private sector in order to educate people about food waste management and the efficiency of utilizing food leftovers in order to save money, food resources and the environment.