Jordan’s ASE rises slightly

Amman Stock Exchange, in the past week’s operations, rose 0.7 points and the average daily trade volume climbed 2.4 percent Main index reached 1,992.8 points, compared to 1,992.1 points, the week before, rising 0.03 percent. As to the sectors, the financial sector rose 0.18 percent, that of the industries, dropped 0.43 percent and of the services, 1.
14 percent.
Average daily trade volume amounted to approximately USD 17.2 million, compared to USD 16.8 million the week before, with a rise proportion of 2.4 percent.
Overall trade volume of the week reached some USD 86 million, in contrast to USD 84 million the previous week.
Number of traded stocks reached 81.7 million, done through 26,588 deals.

As to the sectors’ contribution to the trade volume, that of the finance sector came first, 59.2 percent of the total trade volume,, followed by industries, 26.8 percent, and then services, 14 percent The official report indicated that the Jordanian economy posted some growth despite repercussions of the global financial crisis. The gross domestic product grew, in the third quarter of the year, 2.4 percent, compared to the same period of 2010, according to the ASE weekly report.

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