Egypt’s food exports record 185k tons in 1 week – NFSA

Egypt’s food exports reached a staggering 185,000 tons in the week ending July 19, according to the National Food Safety Authority’s (NFSA) weekly report.

This impressive figure reflects a wide variety of over 530 fresh fruits, vegetables, and other food items.

The beans led the vegetable export charge with 12,000 tons shipped, and followed closely by onions of 10,000 tons.

In total, a remarkable 66 vegetable varieties found their way to international markets, contributing 42,000 tons to the overall export volume.

Citrus fruits topped the list of exported fruits last week, with 15,000 tons reaching international consumers. Sweet strawberries followed closely at 10,000 tons, and mangoes rounded out the top three with 6,000 tons exported.

The total fruit exports amounted to a significant 70,000 tons, representing a diverse range of 404 different varieties.

Egyptian food exports cater to a vast international audience. During the week of July 20th to 26th, shipments reached 135 countries. Sudan, Thailand, Italy, and Yemen emerged as the top destinations for this bounty of Egyptian produce.

Attribution: The Egyptian Cabinet

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