Japan’s crude oil imports rise in June

Japan’s crude oil imports demonstrated notable trends and shifts in June, totaling 9,927,637 kilolitres (kl). The Middle East remained the dominant source, accounting for 96.4 per cent of the total imports.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia were the most significant contributors. The UAE supplied 4,102,067 kl, representing 41.3 per cent of Japan’s total crude oil imports for June 2024. This figure highlights the UAE’s substantial role in Japan’s crude oil supply, with major contributors like Murban.

Saudi Arabia provided 4,099,634 kl, or 41.3 per cent of the total imports. This consistent supply underscores Saudi Arabia’s importance as a stable and reliable source of crude oil for Japan.

Other regions contributed smaller portions of the total imports. South East Asia supplied 47,319 kl (0.5 per cent), while North America, specifically the United States, contributed 137,682 kl (1.4 per cent).

The data for June 2024 shows Japan’s continued reliance on Middle Eastern suppliers, particularly the UAE and Saudi Arabia, to meet its crude oil needs.

Attribution: Japan’s METI Preliminary Report on Petroleum Statistics

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