April 6: Shafiq’s Winning To Erupt Civil War in Egypt

Egypt’s revolutionary political activism group of April 6 Youth Movement has warned of a civil war if Mubarak-era Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq is officially declared the winner of the country’s run-off presidential election, Press TV reports.

Meanwhile, Egypt’s Supreme Elections Commission said on Wednesday that it would delay the results of the run-off race as it was still reviewing appeals from the participants, the former premier and Mohammed Morsi, the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political wing, the Freedom and Justice Party. 

The worrying development has sent thousands of Egyptians back to Cairo’s iconic Tahrir Square, where their revolution first began, to protest against the ruling military council. 

Both Morsi and Shafiq are claiming victory in the run-off, which was held on June 16 and 17. 

An Egyptian NGO, known as Judges for Egypt, said on Wednesday that Morsi has won the run-off, noting that the results did not reflect interference from either candidate’s campaign. 

The SCAF formally announced the dissolution of the parliament on June 16 following an earlier Supreme Court ruling, assuming full legislative powers. 

The Brotherhood, Egypt’s largest political party, and the April 6 Youth Movement political activism group protested against the move by the military, calling it a constitutional coup against last year’s revolution. 

Under a constitutional declaration issued late on Sunday night, the junta also took control of the state budget and accorded to itself veto power on a new constitution, making the new president almost powerless, according to Press TV.

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