Barclays Tops FSA’s Most-Complained List
Bank complaints in the U.K. rose 21 percent during the second half of last year, driven by an increase in insurance…
Abu Dhabi Metro Project Launches
Abu Dhabi Department of Transport has started work on the design of a Metro and light-rail transit system after the…
Kurdistan May Stop Crude Exports to Iraq
The Kurdistan Regional Government has said crude exports from the semi-autonomous region have dropped to 50,000…
Jordan, Palestinians Are Gas Export Priority: Israel’s Energy Minister
Uzi Landau said that the use of Israeli natural gas by our neighbors will create confidence and foster peace in the…
Abu Dhabi Royals hold Talks With Britain Over Acquiring A Third of RBS Shares
Talks to sell a stake in state-owned Royal Bank of Scotland are being held at the level of the Abu Dhabi ruling…
Gamal Heshmat: MB calls not for Protests to Withdraw Confidence
Dr Gamal Heshmat, Deputy of Foreign Affairs Committee in PA and member of MB’s Shura council, said that “the FJP…
New iPhone Steals Focus after iPad Launch
Following the launch of Apple's new iPad this month, technology enthusiasts have already turned their attention to…
Alexandria Receives 1280 Tourists
1280 tourism with different nationalities on the Italian ship “Costa Victoria” arrived at Alexandria port. Head of…
CBE Takes Control Over AIB
Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) announced that Arab International Bank's (AIB) Extraordinary General Assembly approved…
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief:Dina A.Fattahdina_afattah@yahoo.comEnglish Editors:Yomna Yasseryomnas.alsunian@live.comNada…