Egypt reports 13% drop in paid protest note cases in ’23 – CAPMAS

Egypt reported a 13 per cent decrease in the number of paid protest-note cases, totalling 1,466 in 2023, compared to 1,684 in the previous year, as per data released by official statistics agency (CAPMAS) on Wednesday.

The debt value of settled cases rose by 0.13 per cent to 22 million Egyptian pounds in 2023 from 21.6 million pounds in 2022.

On the other hand, non-payment protest cases surged by 77 per cent to 15,527 cases from 8,772 in 2022. However, the total debt value of non-payment cases decreased by 68 per cent to 1.471 billion pounds.

On a positive note, there was only one bankruptcy case reported in 2023, down from three in 2022.

The total debt value associated with bankruptcy cases reached 189.9 million pounds in 2023, a significant decrease from 2.335 million pounds in 2022.

Attribution: Central Agency for Public Mobilsation and Statistics

Subediting: Y.Yasser

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