Egypt’s prominent opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei, Chairman of Al Dostour Party (Constitution Party), and a Leader in the National Salvation Front (NSF), made an apology to Ethiopian and the Ethiopian people as well over what transpired yesterday in the Egyptian national dialogue around the crisis of building hydroelectric plant dubbed the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. It is expected that this dam will affect Egypt and Sudan
ElBaradei wrote this morning on his “Twitter” account: Sincere apologies to the people and governments of Ethiopia & Sudan for the irresponsible utterances at the president’s “national dialogue”
During the national dialogue Monday, which was led by Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, Younis Makhyoun, leader of an ultraconservative Islamist party, said Egypt should back rebels in Ethiopia or, as a last resort, dest

roy the dam. He said Egypt made a “strategic error” when it did not object to the dam’s construction.
Moreover, liberal Ayman Nour, proposed spreading rumors about Egypt obtaining refueling aircraft to create the impression that it plans an airstrike to destroy the dam.
“This could yield results on the diplomatic track,” Nour said.