Industry & Trade Egypt’s Exports To South Korea Attained $802 mln In 2012 Administrator May 1, 2013 0 The official statistics of the foreign trade revealed that the Egyptian exports to South Korea in 2012 amounted to…
Industry & Trade Quena Paper Mulls Over Establishing New Line At EGP50 mln Administrator Feb 10, 2013 0 Quena Paper Industry Company will expand its investments in the factory to including establishing a new line for…
Banks Commercial International Bank’s Foreign Trade Finances Up To US$ 1.5 Bln Administrator Oct 23, 2012 0 The Commercial International Bank’s (CIB) portfolio of foreign trade finances reached US$ 1.5 billion at the end of…
Industry & Trade Eessa Discusses Industrial Problems with Investor’s Federation Administrator Apr 14, 2012 0 The Board of the General Federation of Investors’ Societies has decided to invite –during this month- Dr Mahmoud…
Industry & Trade MOI Raises Exports To Rescue The Economy Administrator Mar 13, 2012 0 The ministry of industry and foreign trade designed a comprehensive plan to rescue the Egyptian economy depending…