Amer keeps 132 drivers

Tarek Amer, chairman of National Bank of Egypt, retreated today from his decision to sack 132 drivers out of 150, because of their demonstration and disturbing work as well as their unsound demands represented in being equal to the bankers; although salaries, according to the bank, reach EGP 5000 monthly per driver.

The decision excluded almost 18 drives who didn’t pass the periodic drugs medical examination, sources to Amwal Al Ghad.

Sources mentioned that drivers threatened with an open strike in front of the bank’s headquarters, in case of not retreating from the sack decision and also meeting their demands. This made the bank to retreat from the sack decision.

About 15 drivers issued communiqués in Boulaq Abul-ela police station, whereas they described the sack decision as tyrannical, Sources to Amwal Al Ghad added.

The sack decision came as a result of organizing repeated protests since the start of March; calling for equality in incentives which the bankers got by 15%, while they only got 5%, according to the drivers.

NBE decided early this week to sack the drivers’ head in addition to 150 drivers for demonstrating and disrupting the work, and transmitting the head to the prosecution for investigations.

The bank explained in its statement that the sack decision was for protecting the biggest bank in Egypt from employment lawlessness.

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