Amer: Islamic Banks Aren’t Activated Yet
Tarek Amer, Chairman of National Bank of Egypt, affirmed that the 40-year-old Islamic banks in Egypt have not…
“Google plus” hosts Amr Diab
"Google" yesterday announced the organizing of group chat via video on the social position "Google Plus" for the…
ORTE leads GDR’s Rise by 4.48%
Egypt's Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) listed in the EGX have recorded massive increase except 2 GDRs their…
Standard Chartered profits rise 11% on Asia growth
Standard Chartered announced a 11% rise to $6.8bn (£4.26bn) in 2011 profits for the ninth successive year, thanks…
NBE to sign EGP 50 m franchise contract with Social Fund
National bank of Egypt (NBE) plans to sign a franchise contract with the Social fund for Development whose value is…
Sugar and Wheat prices rise globally
Global prices of sugar and wheat have witnessed a significant increase during the current times in London Stock…
AUB launches EGP 25 m fund by Q2
Ahli United Bank (AUB) launches a new investment fund whose capital is EGP 25 million, by the beginning of the…
2040: The End Of The World
Put it on your calendar: February 5, 2040 may be the end of the world. It turns out that there's a giant asteroid…
Free Egyptians party postpones its stance from constituent assembly
Free Egyptian party decided to call the press conference off, until further notes, which is supposed to be held…
ELMACO’s Profits record Dip by 42.6%
El Nasr Transformers & Electrical Products (ELMACO) (NASR) has achieved net profits of L.E24 million during the…