Court to Return Verdict on Dissolving MB Group Lawsuit Tomorrow

Egypt’s administrative court will return tomorrow verdict on the lawsuit filed by Mr. Shehata Mohamed, director of Arab Center for Integrity and Transparency; in which he called for dissolving the Muslim Brotherhood Group and freezing its activities and banking accounts, moreover, closing all its headquarters in Egypt.

Shehate demanded that removing all the signs of the MB’s headquarters and prohibiting the use of this name in media; TV or Radio.

He added that the Group works without license from ministry of social affairs, by violating the law of non-governmental organizations. He clarified that the Freedom and Justice Party, emanating from the Group, is legal as it followed the procedures to get the license to work as a political party. Party affairs committee granted it the legislature to work on the political arena.

Shehata affirmed that the indictment of dissolving the Group came after implementing the law on almost 43 defendants; 19 of them are Americans on the pretext of managing NGOs without license. He said tat the law should equalize between MB and Americans.

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