Banks S Korea and Japan Currency Swap Arrangement Reduced Administrator Jun 25, 2013 0 The currency swap arrangement between Japan and South Korea will be reduced next month to its lowest level since…
Banks Bank Of Korea Walks Tightrope On Euro-Zone Risks Amwal Al Ghad English Jul 10, 2012 0 Just a short drive from the Bank of Korea in the heart of the city here, two of the country’s most beloved heroes…
Banks S. Korean Banks’ Lending Retreated In April Administrator May 29, 2012 0 South Korean banks' lending rate declined last month as market rates fell amid growing appetite for risk aversion,…
Banks South Korea Suspends Four Bank Administrator May 6, 2012 0 South Korea’s Financial Services Commission said it ordered four mutual savings banks to halt operations for six…
Banks EU Fund Outflow From S. Korea Records US$ 18.2 In 2011 Administrator Apr 24, 2012 0 European fund outflow from South Korea reached 18.2 billion U.S. dollars last year as debt problems in the euro…
Banks Asia needs to harmonize monetary and macro-prudential policies: BOK governor Administrator Feb 14, 2012 0 Asian central banks need to harmonize monetary and macro-prudential policies in a bid to better respond to a change…