Indices news Elbit Discount to S&P Defense Is Buy to Leumi Administrator Feb 15, 2012 0 Elbit Systems Ltd. (ESLT)’s biggest discount to the Standard & Poor’s 500 aerospace and defense index in five…
MENA News Israel rejects Palestinian hunger-striker’s appeal Administrator Feb 14, 2012 0 A Palestinian prisoner who human rights organisations say may be "Approaching death" after 58 days on hunger strike…
MENA News Israel blames Iran for attacks on its diplomats Administrator Feb 14, 2012 0 Israel put its foreign missions on high alert Monday following near simultaneous bomb attacks on its diplomats that…
International News U.S. and Israel Split on Speed of Iran Threat Administrator Feb 9, 2012 0 WASHINGTON — Amid mounting tensions over whether Israel will carry out a military strike against Iran’s…