حفلة 2024

Egypt signs MoU to boost railway rolling stock production

The National Egyptian Railway Industries Company (NERIC) and Eastern R&E signed a significant memorandum of understanding (MoU) on Monday aimed at advancing railway rolling stock production. The focus areas of this collaboration include supplying railway vehicle components and manufacturing freight vehicles.

The primary goal of the MOU is to develop railroad cars production, facilitate technical co-operation, transfer technology, and ensure the quality of the production. NERIC and Eastern R&E aim to enhance the efficiency of rail transport systems.

The MOU was signed by  Ahmed Al-Mufti, Project Manager at NERIC; Eui Si Lee, Chairman of Eastern R&E Company; and Kang Wong-Sik, Chairman of KEDA. Their combined expertise and commitment to sustainable transport solutions are expected to drive innovation and growth in the rail sector.

Additionally, chairman of the Suez Canal Economic Zone (SCZONE), Waleid Gamal El-Dien expressed enthusiasm about attracting Korean investments, adding that the co-operation between Korean companies, NERIC, and Eastern R&E opens doors for further partnerships in SCZONE’s targeted sectors.

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