Banks CBE: Egypt Foreign Reserves Fall Slightly In September Amwal Al Ghad English Oct 7, 2013 0 Egypt's International Foreign Reserves saw a minor decline of roughly $200 million in September, reaching $18.7…
Banks Egypt Bond Continues Qatar Deposit Switch – IFR Administrator Jul 9, 2013 0 Egypt continues to convert deposits received from Qatar into fixed-term notes, after the sovereign privately placed…
Banks Egypt’s Foreign Reserves Rose US$ 1 Bln In April On Libyan Deposit Administrator May 8, 2013 0 Egypt’s foreign reserves surged about US$ one billion to reach US$ 14.4 billion at the end of last April, compared…
Banks Egypt Seeks To Raise Foreign Reserves To US$22 Bln By June, 2014 Administrator May 4, 2013 0 The Egyptian government plans to increase foreign reserves to US$ 22 billion by the end of the next fiscal year.…
Banks Main Goods Imports Drive Egypt’s Foreign Reserves Down By US$ 84 Mln Administrator Apr 4, 2013 0 The Central Bank of Egypt’s foreign reserves fell US$ 84 million to reach US$ 13.424 billion at the end of last…
Banks Egypt Offers Modest Reserves Target, IMF To Consider Loan Size Administrator Apr 2, 2013 0 Egypt aims to boost its foreign currency reserves to $16 billion by the end of June, the planning minister said on…
Banks Egypt Seeks Libyan Deposit To Support Foreign Reserves Administrator Mar 21, 2013 0 A high-level Egyptian delegation will discuss with the Libyan authorities about the possibility of receiving a…
Egypt News Egypt’s Cabinet Lifts Ban On Traveling With More Than US$ 10,000 Administrator Mar 16, 2013 0 Egypt’s Cabinet prepares a draft law allowing people to travel with more than US$ 10,000 in and out of the country…
Banks Decline In Egypt’s Foreign Reserves’ Could Slow Down By March; Says Ramez Administrator Feb 24, 2013 0 The governor of the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) Hisham Ramez expected foreign reserves’ decline to slow down in…
Banks Egyptian Dollar CDs Attract US$ 181 Mln In 8 Months Administrator Feb 23, 2013 0 The Egyptian dollar-denominated certificate of deposit launched by the National Bank of Egypt (NBE), Banque Misr,…