News Egypt to take part in coronavirus clinical trial testing Gilead’s remdesivir Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 2, 2020 0 Egypt will take part in the clinical trial testing for remdesivir as a potential treatment for the coronavirus,…
News Remdesivir helped moderate coronavirus patients improve: Gilead Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 1, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences Inc said that its antiviral drug remdesivir showed improvement in patients with moderate COVID-19…
News Gilead licences drugmakers to make remdesivir coronavirus treatment in 127 countries Amwal Al Ghad English May 13, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences has signed a licencing agreement with five generic drugmakers to make antiviral drug remdesivir in…
unclassified WHO to talk with U.S., Gilead to make coronavirus potential drug remdesivir more widely… Amwal Al Ghad English May 5, 2020 0 The World Health Organisation (WHO) is planning to speak with the U.S. government and biotech firm Gilead Sciences …
News U.S. FDA grants emergency use for remdesivir for very sick coronavirus patients Amwal Al Ghad English May 2, 2020 0 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted emergency use authorization (EUA) for Gilead Sciences’…
Tech/AI Gilead says remdesivir coronavirus treatment will need a ‘sustainable model’ to keep it… Amwal Al Ghad English May 2, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences is doing its best to make experimental antiviral drug remdesivir accessible and affordable to…
Tech/AI Gilead to produce ‘several million’ rounds of remdesivir to help treat coronavirus… Amwal Al Ghad English May 1, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences said on Thursday that it can produce “several million” rounds of its antiviral drug remdesivir in…
News WHO says too early to comment on remdesivir coronavirus trials Amwal Al Ghad English Apr 30, 2020 0 It is too early to comment on the remdesivir “positive data” trial results released earlier on Wednesday, said Dr.…
Tech/AI U.S. FDA in ‘ongoing’ talks Gilead to make remdesivir available to coronavirus patients… Amwal Al Ghad English Apr 29, 2020 0 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Wednesday it has been in “sustained and ongoing” talks with…
Tech/AI Trump urges FDA to approve remdesivir ‘as quickly as they can’ Amwal Al Ghad English Apr 29, 2020 0 U.S. President Donald Trump said on Wednesday he wants the Food and Drug Administration to approve “as quickly as…