Featured India signs an agreement to buy 300,000 doses of Remdesivir from Eva Pharma Sanaa Allam May 10, 2021 0 India has signed an agreement with Egypt’s Eva Pharma company for drugs and medical supplies to buy 300,000 doses…
Featured Egypt’s Eva Pharma to export 1st batch of coronavirus treatment Favipiravir Sanaa Allam Sep 20, 2020 0 Egyptian drug-maker, Eva Pharma, is ready to start exporting “Favipiravir” an anti-viral compound that has proven…
Tech/AI EU signs a deal with Gilead to provide COVID-19 medicine remdesivir Amwal Al Ghad English Jul 29, 2020 0 The European Union’s executive said it has signed a contract with Gilead for its COVID-19 medicine remdesivir that…
Featured Eva Pharma doubles antibiotics, blood clotting drugs production to help in treating… Sanaa Allam Jul 15, 2020 0 Egypt-based Eva Pharma, manufacturing and sale of remdesivir, said that the company has doubled the production…
Featured Egypt developing four WHO-registered vaccines to treat coronavirus patients Amwal Al Ghad English Jul 3, 2020 0 Egypt is developing four vaccines that have been registered by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to treat…
News COVID-19 potential drug remdesivir priced at $2,340 for a patient in US Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 29, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences Inc priced its COVID-19 antiviral remdesivir at $2,340 per patient for wealthier nations and agreed…
Tech/AI Gilead says to start testing remdesivir in children Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 18, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences Inc, which makes the antiviral drug remdesivir and is now testing it for potential coronavirus…
Featured Egypt’s drug maker, Eva Pharma to manufacture Gilead’s remdesivir for… Sanaa Allam Jun 14, 2020 0 Egypt-based Eva Pharma has signed a deal with Gilead Sciences for manufacturing and sale of remdesivir, which has…
Tech/AI Gilead’s Remdesivir study on monkeys shows drug reduced lung damage linked to coronavirus Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 10, 2020 0 Gilead Sciences’ antiviral drug remdesivir has helped to prevent macaques infected with the coronavirus from…
Tech/AI AstraZeneca is approaching Gilead about a potential merger – the healthcare deal on record Amwal Al Ghad English Jun 8, 2020 0 UK drugmaker AstraZeneca has approached Gilead about a potential merger, a healthcare deal that is expected to be…