Industry, Cedar Bridge Sign Contract To Recruit 7 million Egyptians

The Industrial Training Council, an affiliate of the Egyptian Ministry of Industry and Foreign Trade, has signed a cooperation agreement with Cedar Bridge, to implement the “Tamkeen” venture, for training and hiring one million Egyptians within seven years at € 100 million joint capital between the government and the investor during the first 3 years.

Cedar Bridge has signed four participation agreements with the most important training and international accreditation bodies to train the youth and qualify them to work inside and outside Egypt.

The government has agreed with Cedar Bridge on a number of principles and policies during implementing the program. They are the criteria of choosing the trainees should be based on fairness, objectivity and geographical coverage to include all Egypt’s governorates.

The policy of recruiting the graduates of this program, whether inside or outside Egypt, is mainly aiming at respecting the Egyptian citizen and securing his rights through clear contract before the training process.

The principles also include orienting the training towards the strategic sectors for the labor market in Egypt, to achieve rates of industrial development in the coming period.

The first class of the venture will be chosen the coming month, and the training will be finished in March 2013. Their number will 700 youth, who will work in a Saudi port.

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