حفلة 2024

Egypt excluded from ILO’s ’24 Labour Observations list – minister

Egypt has been excluded from the International Observation list for 2024, The Egyptian Minister of Labour announced on Sunday.

This decision, made during the 112th International Labour Conference (ILO) in Geneva, reflects Egypt’s commitment to international labour standards and President Sisi‘s directives, the Minister noted. Moreover, the decision reflects recognition of Egypt’s commitment to worker welfare and adherence to international labour norms.

Minister Shehata emphasised Egypt’s dedication to worker welfare, highlighting recent policies such as raising the minimum wage and integrating people with disabilities into the workforce.

The Supreme Council for Social Dialogue commended the Ministry’s efforts in enhancing labour relations and collaboration with the ILO.

These initiatives aim to strengthen labour rights and protections while promoting a culture of trade union freedoms and occupational safety. Through social dialogue, Egypt seeks to address labour issues collaboratively, achieving a balance between government, employers, and workers’ interests.


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